Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Munaqqobah. Niqab dan Purdah.

Pakai niqab bukan sekadar tentang penampilan, tetapi seperti wayar yang berhubung dengan plagnya, ia contoh bahawa apa yang dirasakan hati saat memakai niqab walaupun ia bukan sesuatu yang wajib, connection beetween Allah s.w.t and his poor servant. Can u understand munaqobah? Mortal can't understand. They will understand only after they think about the inner beauty and its advantages in islam. beutifull and prominence in islam.

This is a video. You can watch if you want, You can accept it or not. Its up to you. 

Kita tak pernah melihat Saidatina khadijah atau Saidatina fatimah r.a, tetapi kita boleh rasa aura yang mereka bawa dengan apa yang munaqqobah pakai dan apa yang mereka rasakan di dalam hati, Pure intention for normal human that want to feel about what good that come from Allah s.w.t and Rasululah s.a.w. They want to do what their prophet wife does. So? 
I think i dont have to debate about what its law to wear niqab or cover ur face, im sure all of u know.

Its not about holy, glorious, precious or noble. Pakaian memang tidak melambangkan ketaqwaan atau keimanan seseorang kerana yang menilai bukan manusia, tetapi Allah s.w.t.

 But its about soul and protection. 

Then to all munaqqobah, try to understand than think. 

Then tonight i will say what this video quote have said. 

This is what munaqqobah choose, and it is not because noble, or wearing or cover etc. Its not just a cover but it is what munaqqobah feel in their heart. 
Munaqqobah= women that wear niqab/ wanita yang memakai niqab.
Not else.

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