Which Baby has the best mother?
A baby gorilla has one of the best mums in the worls. A grown up gorilla may look a bit frightening to us, but she's loving and gentle to her young. As well as grooming the baby, she feeds it for up to three years and protects and helps it for longer still.
Which baby has the worst mother?
The female european cuckoo cant be bothered to look after her chicks. This lazy mum lays an egg in another bird's nest. When the egg hatches, it's the other bird that does all the hard work, raising the chick.
Which father gives birth to his young?
The male seahorses has a special pouch on his body where the female lays her eggs. The male has to carry them around till their hatch, and then hundreds of baby seahorses shoot out into the sea.
How does a lamb find it mother?
Mother sheep and their lambs sometimes get seperated in a crowded field. Most lambs look the same buat each one has it s own distinctive call. Every mother sheep knows her own baby's cry and can easily find it in the crowd.
Nak bezakan dengan manusia ke? Silakan.. peace no war...
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